I have a 2004 ES330 following a hestitation problem. It is good from a full stop but as soon as I go vis--vis turns on onto highway ramps, gone I sadden the accellarator (sp?) it hesitates for 2 seconds previously reving up. I ve taken it to a mechanic and he says it is normal. I have an 2003 Avalon subsequent to the similar engine and it jumps off the start and has no hesitation. Mechanic s Assistant: Will the headlights perspective on? Is the battery fully charged? With or without headlights on. Relatively supplementary battery. Mechanic s Assistant: What is the model of your 04 Lexus? ES330 Mechanic s Assistant: Are you fixing your vehicle yourself? What have you tried in view of that far? I ve cleaned the MAF sensor. Checked for friends in the intake. with I put my Turbo OBDII app on, all seems good except that the TPS stays constant on the order of 30%. This is a drive-by-wire model suitably it has not throttle cable or usual TPS. I recognize the TPS is integrated afterward the throttle controller/motor. Mechanic s Assistant: all else you desire the mechanic to know since I affix you? No, I guess that is it.
I bought it in July, drove it home from LA (to Utah), and the problems started snappishly after I got it home.Any further assist you can meet the expense of is appreciated. I don't know what else to complete but assume it urge on to the dealer. I know I've got the shop foreman enthusiastic upon it at the dealer, but I still mood its pushed to the help as its archaic and everyone loses in this situation.
have you looked into throttle body coking and/or combustion chamber/valve carbon buildup? are you taking place to date upon every maintenance; spark plugs fuel filter pcv vlave etc? have you performed a visual inspection and listened to engine as it warms happening and is warmed up? oftentimes in engine action many factors may cause the same symptom(s)
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